On September 28, 2011 Duyeon Kim, Deputy Director of Nuclear Non-Proliferation at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, was quoted by Korean Media about the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit.
Yonhap News:
- Click here for the story or see below (rough translation):
- Click here for Yonhap News (English Language, different lead) or see below.
The Korea Times:
- Yonhap reprinted in The Korea Times (Korean language) here.
- Yonhap reprinted in The Korea times (English language) here.
Official 2012 NSS Website:
- Posted here (Korean language).
“2차 핵안보정상회의서 `HEU 전환’ 문제 다룰 듯”
“2nd Nuclear Security Summit to Discuss HEU Minimization” (rough translation)
(워싱턴=연합뉴스) 이우탁 특파원 = 내년 3월 서울에서 열리는 제2차 핵안보정상회의에서 핵무기를 만들 수 있는 물질인 고농축우라늄(HEU)을 전력생산용 저농축우라늄(LEU)으로 전환하거나 농축도를 낮추는 문제가 다뤄질 것이라고 미국 워싱턴 DC소재 군축비확산센터의 김두연 부실장이 28일(현지시간) 밝혔다. (The 2nd Nuclear Security Summit to be held in Seoul next March will deal with HEU minimization and conversion to LEU, says Duyeon Kim, Deputy Director of Nuclear Non-Proliferation at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation in Washington, DC on September 28.)
김 부실장은 이날 워싱턴 DC 한미경제연구소(KEI) 토론회에서 발표한 ‘2012년 핵안보정상회의-한국의 역할’이라는 발제를 통해 “지난 2010년 1차 회의에서 핵과 방사능물질을 이용한 테러리즘 방지 문제가 다뤄졌는데 2차 서울회의에서는 핵안보와 안전의 연계성 문제가 심도있게 다뤄져야 한다”며 이같이 말했다. (Speaking at the Korea Economic Institute (KEI) in Washington, DC on the “2012 Nuclear Security Summit: The Korean Twist,” Deputy Director Kim said, “The 2010 NSS focused narrowly on nuclear terrorism, but the 2nd Summit should include the nuclear safety-security interface as well.”)
지난해 4월 워싱턴에서 열린 1차 핵안보정상회의에 참석한 47개국 정상과 3개 국제기구 대표들은 “핵확산과 핵테러를 막기위해 각국이 앞으로 4년내에 취약한 핵물질의 안전을 확보한다”고 합의했다. (At the 1st Nuclear Security Summit in Washington April last year, 47 heads of state and 3 international organizations agreed “to secure all vulnerable nuclear material in four years, as we work together to enhance nuclear security.”)
그는 또 “서울 핵안보정상회의에서 북한 이슈가 핵심이슈로 다뤄지지는 않겠지만 북한으로부터 가해지는 핵위협 문제를 논의하지 않을 경우 이는 중대한 기회의 손실이 될 것”이라고 강조했다. (Kim added, “The North Korean issue won’t be a key issue at the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, but it will be a grave loss if South Korea neglects any discussion on its number one security threat.”)
김 부실장은 이명박 대통령이 서울 핵안보정상회의에 북한의 김정일 국방위원장을 초청한 것과 관련, “김 위원장이 핵안보정상회의에 옵서버 자격으로 참가하려면 그 이전에 북한이 지난 2005년 9.19공동성명에서 약속한 비핵화 상태와 정신으로 복귀하고, 6자회담 참가국들이 다자적인 협상테이블에 복귀해야 할 것”이라고 지적했다. (Regarding President Lee Myung-bak’s invitation to North Korean leader Kim Jong-il to attend the Seoul Summit, Kim said, “In order for Kim Jong-il to participate as an observer, North Korea would have to return to the status and spirit of the September 2005 Joint Statement and the six parties would have to return to the multilateral bargaining table in Beijing prior to the Nuclear Security Summit.”) (끝)
(LEAD) Safety of NK nuke facilities can be discussed at Seoul summit: researcher
By Lee Chi-dong
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 (Yonhap) — The specific problem of North Korea’s nuclear program is unlikely to be high on the agenda at the second Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) to be held in Seoul next year, but it would be a “political loss” for the Lee Myung-bak administration if leaders neglect the issue altogether, a disarmament researcher said Wednesday.
Kim Du-yeon, deputy director of nuclear non-proliferation at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation in Washington, pointed out that the secretive communist nation’s nuclear facilities might be secure from outside threats, but their safety remains a concern, especially in light of the disaster at Japan’s Fukushima reactors, crippled by a March earthquake.
“It is not realistic to expect that a discussion on North Korea will take center stage at the NSS. It would, however, be a great political loss for Seoul if leaders neglect to mention Seoul’s biggest security threat, particularly in the face of the general public, who usually associate ‘nuclear threats’ with North Korea,” she said at a forum hosted by the Korea Economic Institute.
The biennial nuclear summit, launched under the initiative of U.S. President Barack Obama as part of his nuclear-free world campaign, is mainly aimed at curbing weapons proliferation and terrorism.
Seoul is scheduled to host the second summit, involving the leaders of about 50 nations, March 26-27.
The Fukushima incident has provided momentum for the Seoul session to expand the agenda to include nuclear safety, Kim said. “Among the world’s nuclear facilities, the reclusive regime’s facilities may be the installations most secure from outsider threats, but their safety remains a concern,” she added.
She noted that the South Korean president invited the North’s leader, Kim Jong-il, to the summit.
She said if Kim joins the event, it would provide a symbolic and practical chance for Pyongyang to show its determination to denuclearize itself and become a responsible member of the international community.
She was cautious about the possibility, however, saying a number of preconditions exist, including the North’s implementation of the 2005 joint statement at the six-party nuclear talks and the resumption of the negotiations, also involving the U.S., China, Russia and Japan. Quoting South Korean government officials, Kim said the discussion at the Seoul meeting will include efforts to encourage countries to convert highly enriched uranium programs to those less conducive to weapons production. (END)