The Obama administration has requested $12.6 billion for the National Nuclear Security Agency (NNSA) as part of its Fiscal Year 2016 Department of Energy budget request. $1.9 billion of that request will go towards Defense Nuclear Non-Proliferation (DNN) programs tasked with preventing the spread of nuclear weapons and materials. The programs facilitate cooperation with international partners to better secure, monitor, and dispose of vulnerable nuclear material (military and civilian) and other radiological waste.
While the $1.9 billion request represents a $299 million increase from the previous year, that number is still down significantly from just a few years ago. The increase is also misleading, as it counts programs previously located elsewhere in the budget. The transfer of these programs represents an organizational change, but not an increase in funding.
Also, the programs that prevent nuclear terrorism in the NNSA budget have been restructured, making year to year comparisons a challenge. Luckily, the analysts at the Center for Arms Control have you covered, saving you time and a headache by laying out the new programs, their purpose, and how the funding has changed.
For a topline view of the DNN budget see the Center’s one page factsheet, click here!
For the FY 2016 DNN Program Restructuring Factsheet: click here!