Long-time readers of NoH know that Jon Stewart has been a big fan of ours for some time.
Last week Stewart once again sported his nuke policy wonk credentials in an interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly. Below is a brief excerpt from the exchange on nukes, which occurred in the context of O’Reilly vetting Stewart for a hypothetical O’Reilly-Stewart ’12 ticket. A transcript of the full conversation can be read here. Or watch it beginning at the 1:22 mark of the embedded video.
O’REILLY: All right, let’s go to Iran. If you’re my VP, I’m going to have to put you in charge of very delicate negotiations. Now Iran’s building, you know, nuclear weapons over there. And if they get them, they might give them to some guy named Ahmed, who might take then to them Cleveland and blow everything up. So what are we going to do with that?
STEWART: Well, doesn’t Pakistan have a nuclear weapon?
O’REILLY: Yes, they do.
STEWART: Well, couldn’t they give it to somebody?
O’REILLY: I don’t know. I don’t think…
STEWART: Doesn’t Russia have nuclear weapons?
O’REILLY: Russia does.
STEWART: Couldn’t they give it to somebody?
O’REILLY: They could.
STEWART: The problem isn’t the country that gets them. The problem seems to be the weapon.” [emphasis mine.]