by Kingston Reif Published in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Online on February 2, 2012 Article summary below; read the full text online February 5 marks the one-year anniversary of the New Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty’s (New START) entry into force. Signed by the United States and Russia in April 2010, New START caps each […]
Too Quick to Battle
“Too Quick to Battle” was originally published in the Wall Street Journal by Matthew Hoh on January 20, 2010. President Obama inherited three wars: Iraq, Afghanistan and the fight against al Qaeda. And despite all the promise of a fresh approach as he took office, and a steady stream of rhetoric since then about the […]
Should Torture be Part of the U.S.’s Counterterrorism Approach?
by Robert G. Gard [contact information] By Matthew Alexander, Joe Navarro, and Lieutenant General Robert Gard (USA-Ret.) Published in Reuters on June 24, 2009 President Obama decided not to release a new group of detainee abuse photographs because he believes they would inflame our enemies and threaten American troops. Indeed, the shocking photos from Abu […]
Congress and President Obama’s National Security Agenda
by John Isaacs [contact information] Published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online on March 17, 2009 A key bellwether vote in the new Congress came on February 13 when only three Senate Republicans broke ranks from their party and voted with Democrats for President Barack Obama’s $787 billion stimulus bill. If support from […]
Bring Back the Draft
Published in Foreign Policy Online in February 2009 By William L. Hauser (USA, ret.) and Jerome Slater Read the full article at In the ongoing struggle between radical Islamism and Western democracy, military intervention by the United States may again be judged necessary as a last resort against particularly dangerous states or organizations. Although […]