Read the full op-ed in Penn Live here. For decades, nuclear arms control has been one of the few subjects garnering support from both Democrats and Republicans. Regardless of political ideology or preference, lawmakers in Washington and Americans across the country have largely agreed that reducing the risk of nuclear weapons benefits U.S. national security. […]
Fact Sheet: Iran Nuclear Agreement: Implementation
Iran has rolled back its nuclear program and the deal has made the world safer.
The Cloud of Nuclear Winter
Download the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or SoundCloud. In 1961, the Soviet Union tested the largest nuclear weapon in history. At about 3,800 times more powerful than the bombs used against Japan, the effects were unimaginable. This episode dives into this, and other harrowing stories of nuclear testing. The episode also includes an […]
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell Quoted in POLITICO
Read the full piece here. “These missiles are highly destabilizing, they’re capable of reaching Moscow within 15 minutes,” Alexandra Bell, a former State Department official who is senior policy director for the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, said. “Withdrawing from the INF Treaty would be a terrible mistake.” Instead, the U.S. should first pursue […]
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell’s Op-Ed in The Cipher Brief
Read the op-ed here. Imagine the middle of nowhere Alaska. Got that in your head? Great. Now drive 2½ hours further into nowhere and you have arrived at Fort Greeley. I visited in the fall of 2015. It was cold out there—a wet, bitter cold. It’s also slightly eerie. The absolutely enormous ravens all around […]