Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists after the Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki. “I would have liked to see stronger commitment to serious discussion about the extension of New START & how we fix the INF Treaty, but I’m glad we saw no indication either side is backing off […]
Op-ed: The NPT at 50: A Staple of Global Nuclear Order
Senior Policy Analyst Sara Kutchesfahani wrote an article for Arms Control Today about the role the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty plays in global affairs and nuclear order 50 years after its signing. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the NPT, the bedrock of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime. Although the accord is […]
Will the US Be Able to Stop Russia’s New Arsenal of Missile Defense-Piercing Nukes?
Senior Science Fellow Philip Coyle spoke with LiveScience about Russia’s latest nuclear missile boasting. “It was not surprising,” said Philip Coyle, a nuclear weapons expert who worked for the Carter, Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations in various capacities related to nuclear policy and is now Senior Science Fellow at the Center for Arms Control […]
What ever happened to the argument for nuclear disarmament?
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was quoted in Mic about public attitude toward nuclear weapons and nuclear war. For decades, “in fits and starts,” U.S. administrations sought to move away from nuclear weapons. The nuclear policy community kept hammering away to drastically reduce global stockpiles. But, according to Bell, the issue gradually drifted from the attention of the […]
China reacts to US 2018 Nuclear Posture Review
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with Voice of America radio about China’s reaction to the Nuclear Posture Review. Her segment begins around the 11-minute mark. “All nuclear-weapons states are playing a role in increasing nuclear threats right now… If China is concerned about the Trump Administration’s nuclear posture review, it should engage the United […]