Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was quoted in Vanity Fair. “Giving a country nuclear energy capacity, as the Marshall Plan would, “is like giving a country a nuclear weapons starter kit,” the nonprofit Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation’s Alexandra Bell said.” Read more
Trump Advisers Secretly Met With Jordan’s King While One Was Pushing A Huge Nuclear Power Deal
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was quoted in BuzzFeed News. “The reason there is concern is that nuclear energy capacity is like giving a country a nuclear weapons starter kit,” said Alexandra Bell, senior policy director at the nonprofit Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. Read more
National Advisory Board Member Leonard Weiss’ Article Published in Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
Read the full piece in Bulletin of Atomic Scientists here. Put simply, spreading nuclear technology spreads the ability (in whole or in part) to make nuclear weapons, and the institutions created to sever this connection have shown they are not up to the task. Unless this situation is reversed, the problem of turning the recently […]
Executive Director John Tierney Quoted in POLITICO
Read the full piece in POLITICO here. Former Democratic Rep. John Tierney, who chaired a national security oversight panel, contends that preserving arms control pacts with Russia needs to be a bigger priority for the Trump administration despite the differences between the two nations. “These are existential issues,” said Tierney, now executive director of the […]
Policy Analyst James McKeon Quoted in Think Progress
Read the full piece in Think Progress here. Meanwhile, the nonproliferation budget will see cuts to programs that help keep nuclear materials out of the hands of terrorists, according to James McKeon, a policy analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. “This [bill] would be pretty alarming for nuclear security and broad efforts […]