Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with Business Insider about the United States’ potential withdrawal from the INF Treaty. “There is no evidence that all possible diplomatic options have been exhausted,” said Alexandra Bell, senior policy director at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. “The United States wants the Russians to verifiably dismantle the […]
Consequences of INF Treaty withdrawal
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with Swiss Broadcasting Corporation about the United States’ potential withdrawal from the INF Treaty. Please note, the broadcast segment is in Italian. Watch the segment
A Look At Trump’s Plan To Withdraw From Nuke Treaty With Russia
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was the featured guest on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Central Time show about the United States’ potential withdrawal from the INF Treaty. Listen
Would INF Withdrawal Recreate a Nuclear Hair-Trigger World?
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was quoted in Foreign Policy about the United States potentially withdrawing from the INF Treaty. “It’s extremely worrying to leave us without eyes and ears inside Russian strategic forces for the first time in 40 years,” said Alexandra Bell, a former senior Obama administration official now at the Center for […]
President Trump to withdraw from Russian nuclear treaty
Executive Director John Tierney spoke with Voice of America Radio about the United States’ potential withdrawal from the INF Treaty.