The U.S. nuclear arsenal comprises thousands of nuclear weapons and three methods of delivery, sometimes called “legs.”
Americans support alternatives to the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent
New polling shows that a bipartisan majority of Americans support alternatives to the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent. Cancelling this unnecessary program would save billions and make America safer.
Presidents Who Championed Deals to Reduce the Threat of Nuclear Weapons
No President has had a perfect record when it comes to reducing nuclear threats, but every President since Kennedy has championed a deal to do so. There is still time for President Trump to do the same!
Comparative Sizes of U.S., Russian and Chinese Nuclear Inventories
President Trump has discussed not wanting to extend the New START treaty with Russia without including China in the future. While wanting a multilateral deal with China is admirable, we can’t lose New START in the meantime. The inventories are just not comparable.
Nuclear weapon stockpiles around the world
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