No President has had a perfect record when it comes to reducing nuclear threats, but every President since Kennedy has championed a deal to do so. There is still time for President Trump to do the same!
Comparative Sizes of U.S., Russian and Chinese Nuclear Inventories
President Trump has discussed not wanting to extend the New START treaty with Russia without including China in the future. While wanting a multilateral deal with China is admirable, we can’t lose New START in the meantime. The inventories are just not comparable.
FLI Podcast: Is Nuclear Weapons Testing Back on the Horizon? With Jeffrey Lewis and Alex Bell
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with the Future of Life Institute for their podcast on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and nuclear weapons testing. Read the transcript or listen to the podcast. Nuclear weapons testing is mostly a thing of the past: The last nuclear weapon test explosion on US soil was conducted over 25 […]
Nuclear weapons: experts alarmed by new Pentagon ‘war-fighting’ doctrine
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke to The Guardian about a Pentagon document made public in error touting nuclear weapons. Alexandra Bell, a former state department arms control official said: “This seems to be another instance of this administration being both tone-deaf and disorganised.” Bell, now senior policy director at the Centre for Arms Control […]
Some Key Elements of House Armed Services Committee Draft FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Bill (H.R. 2500)
Note: source of material with only a page number from Strategic Forces Subcommittee mark – Source of other items from Chairman Adam Smith’s full committee mark available from Political Pro behind a paywall – Nuclear Forces Prohibits funds for the deployment of W76-2 low-yield warhead (p.6) and cuts entire $10 million request […]