Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with CNN about a senior military official’s accusations that Russia was doing nuclear testing. “This accusation comes with absolutely zero evidence to support it,” said Alexandra Bell, senior policy director at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. She noted the lack of details Ashley offered. “There was no […]
Russia ‘probably’ violating nuclear test ban treaty, top US official says
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with The Guardian about a U.S. military official’s accusation that Russia was violating a testing ban. “This seems to be rumours masquerading as an actual compliance assessment,” said Alexandra Bell, a former state department arms control official and now senior policy director at the Centre for Arms Control and […]
Fact Sheet: Low-Yield Trident D5 Warhead: Dangerous, Unnecessary, and Destabilizing
Congress should deny authorization and appropriations for production and deployment for the Trump Administration’s request for a new, modified “low-yield” warhead for the Trident D5 submarine-launched ballistic missile. Specifically, Congress should prohibit fielding and zero the NNSA budget request of $10 million and the DoD budget request of $25.7 million ($19.6M for W76-2 and $6.1M […]
Fiscal Year 2020 Defense Spending Briefing Book
The Fiscal Year 2020 Budget in Context Introduction President Trump’s Fiscal Year 2020 budget requests $544.5 billion for the Defense Department’s annual “base” discretionary budget, which is more than $70 billion lower than FY19 enacted levels. However, the Pentagon’s portion of the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) account – which is often referred […]
Debate: Does withdrawal from the INF Treaty harm U.S. national security interests?
Policy Analyst James McKeon participated in a debate on whether U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty harms U.S. national security interests. He argues that it does.