Senior Policy Analyst Sara Z. Kutchesfahani spoke with Curium, a Canadian magazine for teens, about the dangers of nuclear war. Les vives tensions entre la Corée du Nord et les États-Unis, deux nations détenant l’arme nucléaire, inquiètent le monde entier. Les risques d’une guerre dévastatrice sont-ils réels ? Les armes atomiques existent depuis 1945. Cette année-là, deux bombes ont […]
Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review aims to make nukes more ‘usable’
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell talked to ThinkProgress about the forthcoming nuclear posture review. “It’s concerning to me that the sections involving non-proliferation and nuclear security read as an afterthought,” Bell said. “It’s as if someone came along and said ‘You need to add this in.’” Bell was also concerned with the passivity of the […]
New Thinking On Nuclear Weapons
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was a guest on the 1A radio show on NPR discussing the forthcoming nuclear posture review, first-use policy, missile defense and future U.S. national security policy. Listen to the show or download the podcast
Nuclear issues: Oh Happy Day
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke to Kris Welch of the radio show and podcast Talkies, hosted on KPFA in Berkeley. “The world, the United States, was appropriately shaken by the threats posed by the Cuban missile crisis and have spent the time since then moving away from the idea that anyone should use a […]
Exclusive: Here Is A Draft Of Trump’s Nuclear Review. He Wants A Lot More Nukes.
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with the Huffington Post for their exclusive story on the nuclear posture review, set to come out in February. “Making the case that we need more low-yield options is making the case that this president needs more nuclear capabilities at his disposal,” said Alexandra Bell, a former senior adviser […]