It’s an unfortunate reality that’s often left unsaid: sharp rhetoric and tough international sanctions haven’t deterred North Korea from developing its nuclear weapons program. But American political leaders across the ideological spectrum haven’t been paying attention. Responding to North Korea’s fourth nuclear test, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously on January 28 to advance […]
3 Minutes to Midnight: Sharon Squassoni & the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
Watch Board Member Sharon Squassoni discuss how we can move the clock back on this panel of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.
The Hill: North Korea’s Nuclear Test
Lt. Gen. Gard, Phil Coyle, and Greg Terryn penned this op-ed in The Hill on North Korea’s most recent nuclear test.
Iran Deal Implementation
Iran Deal Implementation: A Good Day for American National Security FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Dr. Jim Walsh, Council Board Member and international security expert at MIT Dr. Edward Levine, Center Board Chair and former senior staff member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Lt. Gen. Robert Gard, Center Chair Emeritus and 31-year veteran of the […]
Experts Available: Iran Deal Implementation Day
Our experts are available to discuss the implementation of the Iran nuclear agreement.