Toward the end of last year we noted that the Air Force appeared to be hedging on the planned scope of the B61 life extension program (also known as the B61 mod 12). Turns out we were right. At the February 29 House Energy and Water Appropriations Sub…
"Mr President: Say No to War of Choice with Iran"
Yesterday the National Iranian American Council sponsored a full page ad in the Washington Post from several former high-ranking military, intelligence and State Department officials that urges President Obama to say no to war with Iran. The backdrop o…
Quote of the Day: So Much for the Sprint to Parity Edition
Mr. TURNER. What is your assessment of Chinese intentions in the nuclear realm? China continues to modernize and expand its nuclear forces while we decrease ours. How does our strategic posture account for the uncertainty that China may further build up its forces and seek (or exceed) parity with the U.S. and Russia?
General KEHLER. China has a long-standing ‘‘No First Use’’ policy regarding nuclear weapons. China’s modernization of their nuclear forces is in line with this policy, with their nuclear arsenal designed to be a sufficient and effective deterrent to foreign use (specifically the U.S. and Russia) of nuclear weapons against China. At this time, China doesn’t appear to seek to expand their nuclear arsenal beyond what they perceive as a credible deterrent and is unlikely to attempt to match numbers of nuclear weapons or warheads with either the U.S. or Russia.
STRATCOM Commander Gen. Robert Kehler, response to a question for the record pursuant to a House Strategic Forces Subcommittee hearing on the Status of United States Strategic Forces, March 2, 2011.
Op-Ed on North Korea
A new op-ed on North Korea is out written by yours truly. You can find it on the Center website here or at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ site here . Some key points are: – In reaching an agreement with the United States, North Korea took a…
Center Op-Eds on Sequestration, Iran
In case you missed them, the Center published two op-eds yesterday. The first, on defense budget sequestration, appeared in Roll Call. In it, Lt. Gen. Robert Gard and I argue that: Rather than spin its wheels or continue to pretend that sequestr…