Senator Robert Menendez OpEd in the January 10, 2014 Washington Post (A Diplomatic Insurance Policy Against Iran) advocates a policy that will ensure failure. If S.1881 (the so-called Nuclear Weapons Free Iran Act) should pass over a promised presidential veto, it is highly likely to scuttle the negotiations between the P-Five plus one and Iran to curb Iran’s nuclear program.
Analysis of Faults in the Menendez-Kirk Iran Sanctions Bill (S. 1881)
Earlier today the P5+1 and Iran announced that after nearly two months of talks, they have reached agreement to begin implementing the first step nuclear deal (i.e. the Joint Plan of Action) later this January. You can read the President’s announcement on the implementation of the deal here. A detailed State Department background briefing with more details on the implementation plan is available here.
The Allure of Conventional High-Precision Strike
Russian President Vladimir Putin recently revealed that Russia has begun to acquire its own version of the US military’s “Conventional Prompt Global Strike” (CPGS) capability. If true, it would appear that Mr. Putin has willfully disregarded his own criticism of such capabilities.
The Saga with Syria Nears an End…..Sort Of
A plan to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons has been announced.
The plan will advance in four steps and involve cooperation from at least six different countries: Denmark, Italy, Norway, Russia, Syria and the United States.
Why the Iran deal is a big step forward
Head over to CNN’s Global Public Square today to read (some more of) my take on why the new Iran deal is good for national security.