By Deverrick Holmes, Policy Intern This week, as Congress considers the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Members will vote on whether the United States needs a new small or “low-yield” nuclear weapon. The specific policy that was hotly contested by Members of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), and eventually defeated, provided funding for the […]
In the News: DTRA Considering Virtual Reality to Train Against Radiological Threats
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency is looking at virtual reality training systems that would allow troops to rehearse scenarios involving “radiological threats.” Officials are soliciting info for potential future acquisitions and responses are due August 12.
Presidents Who Championed Deals to Reduce the Threat of Nuclear Weapons
No President has had a perfect record when it comes to reducing nuclear threats, but every President since Kennedy has championed a deal to do so. There is still time for President Trump to do the same!
The State Of The Deal: How The Numbers On Iran’s Nuclear Program Stack Up
Szilard Advisory Board member Richard Nephew spoke with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty about what Iran’s latest uranium enrichment numbers mean. Richard Nephew, an expert with the Washington-based Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, told RFE/RL that setting a cap of 3.67 enrichment under the deal “was less significant than the idea of the lower the […]
Iran decides to violate parts of JCPOA
Research Analyst Erin Connolly spoke with CTV News (Canada) about Iran deciding to violate some aspects of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or the Iran nuclear deal.