On Friday, Morocco was unanimously elected on Friday as Coordinator of the Implementation and Assessment Group (IAG) of the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT), a position the country will hold from 2019-2021. This marks the first time an Arab and African country has assumed such a responsibility within GICNT framework.
Some Key Elements of House Armed Services Committee Draft FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Bill (H.R. 2500)
Note: source of material with only a page number from Strategic Forces Subcommittee mark – http://bit.ly/2KCDhco Source of other items from Chairman Adam Smith’s full committee mark available from Political Pro behind a paywall – http://bit.ly/2KCDmgc Nuclear Forces Prohibits funds for the deployment of W76-2 low-yield warhead (p.6) and cuts entire $10 million request […]
Will the Real Godzilla Please Stand Up?
Almost everyone has heard of Godzilla, even if they’ve never seen a Godzilla movie. What most people don’t know is the famous monster’s connection to nuclear weapons. Sixty-five years and 35 movies after its 1954 debut, Godzilla is still a mainstay in our summer movie rotation, but its origins have been all but erased. With […]
In the News: WINS Round Table on Women in Nuclear Security
The World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) hosted a round table on gender and nuclear security last month “to share best practices and identify ways forward for advancing and amplifying the role of women in nuclear security at all levels” which increases global nuclear security.
Op-ed: Will the Real Godzilla Please Stand Up?
Scoville Fellow Rachel Emond and Policy Intern Deverrick Holmes spent a combined 30 hours watching Godzilla movies and 20 hours writing to become experts on how Hollywood forgot Godzilla’s nuclear past. Their work is featured in Inkstick Media. “Almost everyone has heard of Godzilla, even if they’ve never seen a Godzilla movie. What most people […]