Featured Nukes of Hazard Podcast: 50 Years Later In 1963, President John F. Kennedy feared that 25 countries could possess nuclear weapons by the 1970’s. Today, nine countries have them. Many experts attribute this to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), an agreement that turns 50 this year. We explore the Treaty and its future […]
CNS Occasional Paper #42: The Other Fissile Material: Strengthening National and International Plutonium Management Approaches
John Carlson, Leonard S. Spector along with FMWG Chair Miles Pomper release Occasional Paper #42 with the Center for Nonproliferation Studies. The paper discusses issues relating to separated, or unirradiated, plutonium in civilian nuclear programs — plutonium that has been chemically separated from spent nuclear reactor fuel by reprocessing but has not been reintroduced into […]
In the News: Nigeria Becomes HEU-Free
According to the World Nuclear News, Nigeria is officially HEU-free. The IAEA monitored the transfer of HEU from Nigeria to China. “More than 1 kilogram of Chinese-origin HEU from the Nigerian Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) was returned to China in an operation involving the two countries, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the US Department of […]
In the News: National Academy of Sciences Releases First of Two Plutonium Reports
The National Academy of Sciences released the first of two Congressionally-mandated reports regarding the general viability of the DOE National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA’s) conceptual plan for disposing of 34 metric tons of surplus plutonium in WIPP. Preliminary findings indicate insufficient capacity at the facility is one of several barriers to effective implementation.
Op-ed: New Congress, New Tech, New Approach
Program Assistant Erin Connolly wrote an op-ed for The Hill about the opportunity — and need — for the 116th Congress to address artificial intelligence, particularly as it relates to national security. As the midterm election dust settles and a new Congress prepares for life on Capitol Hill by hiring staff and awaiting committee assignments, […]