Luisa Kenausis, a Scoville Fellow at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation highlights the MOX debacle. Kenausis explains, “If and when MOX dies for good, the United States has two important challenges to address: Congress must approve and authorize funds to pursue the dilute-and-dispose method of plutonium disposition; and efforts must be made to amend […]
Analyst: U.S.-North Korea relations go beyond warhead count
Policy Analyst James McKeon spoke with UPI about what North Korea’s promise to denuclearize means, realistically. Not only does North Korea’s authoritarian regime have time to spare, any approach to “complete denuclearization” would be protracted, which makes the process challenging, says James McKeon, a policy analyst at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation in […]
Broken Arrow News: Week of June 10
By Luisa Kenausis, Scoville Fellow In U.S. military lingo, a “broken arrow” refers to a incident involving the loss of a nuclear weapon. Here, we’re bringing you the nuclear weapons news that’s been ‘lost’ in the last week. China Showdown in the South China Sea: United States flies nuclear-capable bombers In the tense South China […]
MOX debacle: With South Carolina suing Department of Energy, the future of MOX facility remains unclear
By Luisa Kenausis, Scoville Fellow For years, construction of the Mixed-Oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication facility at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina has been a thorn in the side of the Department of Energy. The program has been plagued by cost overruns and delayed schedules. The facility, which was originally slated to be constructed […]
Front and Center: June 16, 2018
Featured Nukes of Hazard Podcast Episode The Once and Future Framework: In 1994, the United States negotiated an agreement with North Korea that curbed its nuclear ambitions for eight years. The collapse of the agreement offers lessons for diplomatic efforts today. This episode from last year dives into the agreement with North Korea experts Jon Wolfsthal, […]