Senior Policy Analyst Dr. Sara Z. Kutchesfahani was quoted in London’s The World Weekly about how unprecedented North Korea giving up its nuclear weapons would be. “While we have seen countries give up their nuclear ambitions, we have never seen a country give up its nuclear weapons before – at least a country that we know […]
Trump’s Singapore Summit Was Far From Perfect, But It’s Better Than Threatening War
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with Huffington Post about the demands made during the Trump-Kim summit. Those demands resembled what Republicans pushed for when the Obama administration was pursuing negotiations with Iran, but they aren’t realistic, or even necessarily desirable, said Alexandra Bell, a former State Department official who worked on arms control issues. […]
Former Congressman, Arms Control Expert: There Is Little for Negotiators to Build Upon
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Anna Schumann (June 12, 2018 — WASHINGTON) Former Congressman John Tierney, Executive Director of the Council for a Livable World, released the following statement after the Trump-Kim Summit in Singapore: “President Trump has gone from his pre-summit ‘reality TV mindset’ that the whole nuclear disarmament issue could be resolved in a […]
In the News: Laura Holgate gives remarks at HEU Symposium in Norway
FMWG Steering Committee Member Laura Holgate from the Nuclear Threat Initiative provided remarks at the HEU Symposium in Norway June 5-7th. Her remarks highlight the importance of continued efforts HEU minimization worldwide. Ambassador Holgate said, “The number of countries holding HEU has decreased from 50 to just 21 in a matter of a couple decades. Today, here […]
Updates: FMWG Member Dr. Alan Kuperman provides update on MOX study
FMWG member Dr. Alan Kuperman from the University of Texas, Austin recently provided an update on his plutonium study. Over the past year, Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Project (NPPP) conducted the first-ever comparative global study of plutonium fuel (MOX) for thermal nuclear power reactors, entitled “Plutonium for Energy?” The group explores the production and use of MOX […]