Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with the Huffington Post for their exclusive story on the nuclear posture review, set to come out in February. “Making the case that we need more low-yield options is making the case that this president needs more nuclear capabilities at his disposal,” said Alexandra Bell, a former senior adviser […]
As North Korea reopens hotline with South, officials and experts have doubts
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell weighs in on concerns about the talks between North and South Korea in an interview with Sinclair. Alexandra Bell, senior policy director at the Center for Arms Control & Non-Proliferation, held the opposite view, that broaching negotiations could be a sign that Kim believes he has new leverage. “North […]
Op-ed: The Consequences of War with North Korea
Program Assistant Erin Connolly partnered with Abigail Stowe-Thurston of the Friends Committee on National Legislation to write about a new war from the perspective of millennials in Teen Vogue. “Before our tenth birthdays, our country chose war. Politicians and pundits promised our parents that only an invasion of Iraq could prevent a mushroom cloud from posing an […]
Trump administration moves to boost homeland missile defense system despite multiple flaws
Senior Science Fellow Philip Coyle discusses kill assessments in missile defense with the Los Angeles Times. “You don’t want to keep shooting at something that’s already dead because you need your ammunition for things that aren’t dead yet,” said Philip E. Coyle III, a missile defense expert who headed Pentagon weapons testing and evaluation from […]
The Nuclear Triad
“The Nuclear Triad” defines the three strategic delivery systems in the U.S. nuclear arsenal: land-based missiles, submarine-based missiles, and weapons delivered via heavy bombers. As the United States is set to spend over $1 trillion sustaining and rebuilding this arsenal, we take a look into the triad’s history and future with Dr. Alex Wellerstein, a […]