Download the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or SoundCloud. One single person has the sole authority to launch U.S. nuclear weapons: The President of the United States. We spoke with Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA) about his bill that would limit presidential nuclear authority. Our analysts also discuss the latest North Korean ballistic missile test […]
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell Quoted in The World Weekly
Read the full piece here. Both sides have set strict conditions on resuming negotiations. “The United States, our allies and partners would want to see a freeze on missile and nuclear testing before returning to talks,” Alexandra Bell, senior policy director at the Centre for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation in Washington DC, told The World […]
Fact Sheet: U.S. Nuclear Weapons Total Inventory
The size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal has decreased drastically since it peaked at 31,255 nuclear weapons in 1967. Many of the reductions since then have come as the result of bilateral arms control agreements with Russia, including the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) I, which capped deployed arsenals at 6,000 warheads and 1,600 delivery […]
Policy Analyst James McKeon’s Interview on VOA News
Watch the interview here. The Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation’s policy analyst James McKeon spoke to VOA News about North Korea’s latest missile test and how it was different from the previous missile tests conducted by North Korea. McKeon recommended diplomacy as the best of all available options to address the rising North Korean […]
Executive Director John Tierney Interviewed on WVTM
Watch the interview here. North Korea’s missile launch on Sunday, May 13 is said to be a new type of ballistic rocket – that can go higher and farther than any other test yet. It is raising alarms about progress in North Korea’s nuclear capabilities. Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Executive Director John Tierney was […]