by Kingston Reif The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace published “Beyond Treaties: Immediate Steps to Reduce Nuclear Dangers,” a report on reducing nuclear risks that included a contribution from Kingston Reif, Director of Nuclear Non-Proliferation. Reif’s contribution to the report is below. Click here for the full report. The United States and Russia should exchange […]
Who Cares About the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Well, the big day is nearly here. I’m getting married this weekend, to be followed by a 10 day honeymoon in Italy. That obviously means there will be no blogging from me for the next 2.5 weeks or so, lest my soon-to-be wife never speak to me again. But…
Quote of the Day: Monty Python Edition
Philip Coyle, director of the Pentagon’s operational testing office during the Clinton administration, said in a Sept. 21 e-mail to Arms Control Today, “Discrimination is the Holy Grail, but no one really knows how to find it or how to get there. And like Monty Python [in the British comedy group’s movie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail], the Missile Defense Agency has only pretend solutions, banging coconuts together to make the sounds of horse’s hooves, when what America needs is real horses.”
Center Senior Science Fellow Philip Coyle, October 2012.
NNSA and its Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week
It has been a long week for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Weapons Program as, once again, taxpayers were reminded why it is the poster child for the Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) definition of waste, fraud and abuse.
Fact Sheet: Statements Against a Military Attack on Iran
Updated by Usha Sahay U.S. Military Officials “The current U.S.-led push to force Iran to abandon its nuclear ambitions through steadily increasing economic and diplomatic pressure is beginning to show results and it would be “premature” to resort to military force.” -Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, January 26, 2012 “After […]