On Monday the AP’s Robert Burns published another story on the administration’s review of deterrence requirements and nuclear weapons guidance. You may remember Burns’ February 14 story on the review, which leaked some of the force level options allegedly under consideration, including a possible reduction to 300-400 deployed strategic warheads.
Number of the Day: Too Much Plutonium Edition
Plucked this one from the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) public release today of a report that details the current plutonium inventory of the United States.
Global Security Newswire Cites the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Nuclear Security Pacts Adoption Bill Wins House Approval Global Security Newswire The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday endorsed legislation to bring the United States into compliance with two nuclear security agreements and two maritime counterterrorism treaties, the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation reported (see GSN, June 6). Click here to read the […]
House Passes Key Anti-Nuclear Terrorism Legislation; Senate Up Next
In case you missed it amidst a rather eventful news day, the House this evening passed by voice vote H.R. 5889, the Nuclear Terrorism Conventions Implementation and Safety of Maritime Navigation Act of 2012.
Quote of the Day: More Money Might Not Solve the Problem Edition
Nevertheless, NNSA continues to experience significant deficiencies, particularly in its management of major projects and contracts. As we testified in February 2012, a basic tenet of effective management is the ability to complete projects on time and within budget. However, for more than a decade, NNSA has continued to experience significant cost and schedule overruns on its major projects, principally because of ineffective oversight and poor contractor management.