Today House Armed Services Committee (HASC) Chairman Rep. Buck McKeon released his version of the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Click here for the Chairman’s mark, which includes detailed funding tables for national defense (function 050) spending.
The Heritage Foundation’s Missile Defense Fantasies
By Matthew Fargo Heritage Foundation President Ed Feulner’s op-ed in the Washington Times on April 23 muddled the history of ballistic missile defense when he blamed President Barack Obama for the inability of the United States to field anything more than a nascent missile defense system. The United States has been developing missile defense systems […]
Congressional Quarterly Quotes Phil Coyle on Missile Defense
An Earmark by Any Other Name By John M. Donnelly CQ Weekly When the House Armed Services Committee convenes this week to write its new defense authorization bill, it is expected to require the Pentagon to build a new anti-missile battery on the U.S. East Coast — despite the fact that the general in […]
Quote of the Day: The gift that keeps on not giving edition
The landmark civil nuclear agreement that the two countries signed in 2008 was supposed to lead to tens of billions of dollars in business for U.S. companies that build nuclear power plants. But it has not yielded anything except a disagreement over who would be liable in the event of a nuclear accident.
Senate and House Appropriators Increase Funding for Nuclear Terrorism Prevention Programs
During the week of April 23 the Senate and House Appropriations Committees approved their respective versions of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Energy and Water Appropriations bill. The bill funds the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) core nuclear material security and nonproliferation activities, which are housed in the Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation account. The bill also […]