“THE DOOR SHOULD ALWAYS BE OPEN TO DIPLOMACY” As the team here at the Center continues to track new developments in Ukraine, the nuclear risks of the current crisis remain top of mind. In a rare joint statement, the Boards of Directors of both the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation and its sister organization, the […]
Finding windows for cooperation amid rising nuclear threats
By Anna Kim Last Tuesday, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s sister Kim Yo-jong threatened “dreadful attack” and “a miserable fate little short of destruction and ruin” for South Korea, warning that if the country “opts for military confrontation with us, our nuclear combat force will have to inevitably carry out its duty.” The comments were […]
Little or Too Much
By John Erath Sometimes, seemingly little things can mean much. On April 14, former Russian President turned Putin’s attack bear Dmitry Medvedev warned that Russia would deploy nuclear weapons to the Baltic should Sweden and Finland join NATO. At first, this would seem to mean little; Russia already has hundreds of nuclear weapons, especially nonstrategic […]
How does the Iran nuclear deal work? Our experts answer your FAQs
By Samuel M. Hickey During the ongoing, high-stakes talks to secure a roadmap for the United States and Iran to get back to compliance with the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), some misperceptions may have arisen which could affect debate about the potential plan’s merits. The […]
FAQs: Iran Nuclear Deal
**Updated May 16, 2022** By Samuel M. Hickey We will update this page as new questions and information arise, and you can submit questions to be answered by tweeting at @nukes_of_hazard. Iran Deal Specifics What did the Iran deal accomplish? Under the Iran deal, why can’t Iran build a secret nuclear bomb? Will sanctions relief allow […]