It would be our distinct honor to have you make a gift in your will, trust, or by beneficiary designation to the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation (EIN: 04-263322).
Your gift will translate into the continued effort to educate Members of Congress, the media and the general public about the critical threat nuclear proliferation poses to us all. As you know, the nuclear threat remains even if talk of nuclear weapons has largely left public discourse.
Nuclear weapons pose an existential threat to humanity and the planet we all call home. You can help us save the world for ourselves, our children, and for generations to come. Thank you for your partnership in securing our future.
If you have questions or would like more information, please email Anna Schumann.
As with all gift planning, we recommend you consult with your financial advisor, lawyer or estate planner to determine what planned gift strategy is best for your current tax situation and income requirements. Consulting estate-planning professionals will help ensure that your wishes to make a lasting impact will be fulfilled.
Legal information for your planning purposes:
Legal Name: Center for Arms Control and Non-proliferation
Tax ID Number: 04-2693322
Incorporated: Washington, DC
Unless specified by the gift, we do not release nor share the names of our estate donors.