Dear Mr. President: We write to express our serious concern about the FY 2015 budget request for vital nuclear material security and nonproliferation programs. These cuts are difficult to understand since the danger of nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists remains high. In your closing remarks last month at the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit […]
Scientist Working Group Statement to 2013 Biological Weapon Convention Meeting
Scientists Working Group on Chemical and Biological WeaponsCenter for Arms Control and NonproliferationWashington D.C – December, 9 2013NGO Statement to the Meeting of States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons ConventionDistinguished delegates and guests, the Scientists Working Group welcomes this opportunity to address the States Parties to the BWC. We wish to address the […]
Military Leaders Agree – Support Deal with Iran
This first-step agreement with Iran represents a good way forward. Under the preliminary deal, Iran must halt further advancement of its nuclear program. There is no doubt that without this deal, Iran would continue to develop greater nuclear capabilities. This six-month agreement includes a rigorous inspection and transparency regime. Congress deserves credit for enacting credible […]
Letter to Congress Regarding Diplomacy with Iran
October 18, 2013 Dear Member of Congress: The election of President Hassan Rowhani in Iran has presented a rare moment of guarded optimism, both in Congress and in the Administration, for a deal with Iran to limit its nuclear program. But this opportunity for reaching a deal that meets U.S. objectives may be fleeting. Iran’s […]
Letter to the President on Nuclear Material Security and Non-Proliferation Funding
The President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: We strongly urge you to make every effort to ensure that threat reduction and nonproliferation programs are funded at the Senate Appropriations Committee-approved level in the Fiscal Year 2012 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill. Based on […]