Letter to Secretaries Kerry and Carter on the operational readiness of U.S. nuclear weapons, signed by Angela Canterbury, John Isaacs, and other nuclear experts.
Organizations Support Quigley Amendment to Energy and Water Appropriations
We are writing to urge your support of the Quigley Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2016 Energy and Water Appropriations Act, H.R. 2028. This amendment would save taxpayers $167 million by maintaining the acquisition schedule for the nuclear-armed cruise missile nuclear warhead at the Fiscal Year 2015 request. The savings would go toward deficit reduction.
Letter to Senate Opposing OCO Slush Fund in Budget Resolution
On behalf of the undersigned organizations and our combined memberships, we urge you to oppose the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Resolution conference report scheduled for votes this week. The conference report contains serious fiscal concerns, particularly related to billions of dollars being allocated toward the Pentagon’s war budget for ill-defined purposes.
Letter to President Obama on Leaving a Nuclear Legacy
Six years ago this week in Prague you gave hope to the world when you spoke “clearly and with conviction” of “America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.”1 Later that year, your promotion of nuclear non-proliferation was cited when you were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Center Signs onto Letter on Budget Resolution Amendments
March 26, 2015 Dear Senator: We are pleased that the United States Senate is considering a budget resolution for fiscal year 2016 and providing an opportunity for Senators to offer amendments on a wide variety of budget and policy issues. It is a clear indication that the Senate is interested in a robust budget debate. […]