Watch the interview here!
Science Fellow Philip Coyle Quoted in LA Times on Deterrence and North Korea
Read the full piece in the LA Times. “In theory, deterrence works if your adversary is rational, but if it is a crazy person they won’t care,” said Philip Coyle, a U.S. nuclear weapons scientist who recently was a security advisor to the Obama administration. “It is the reason everybody is so worried about them […]
North Korea Conducts 5th Nuclear Test; Status Quo Woefully Ineffective
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE James McKeon 202.546.0795 x 2617 Washington, DC – Early reports of irregular seismic activity have been detected in North Korea, indicating a likely nuclear weapons test. If reports are accurate, this will be Pyongyang’s fifth nuclear test and the country’s second of 2016. The potential test follows a series of provocative […]
Jim Walsh Quoted in Foreign Policy Magazine on Iran Deal
Read the full piece in Foreign Policy. “Every nuclear agreement has had confidential annexes,” said Jim Walsh, a contributor with the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, and a research associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s security studies program. The text of the 2003 agreement in which Libya agreed to give up its nuclear […]
John Tierney Quoted in Huffington Post
Read the full piece in The Huffington Post. “It is imperative that the next president is tempered enough to carefully manage and navigate a potential nuclear crisis situation,” Tierney added. “The world’s safety and security literally weighs in the balance.” Read the full piece in The Huffington Post.