Bringing Back the Russo-American Axis It’s high time for Obama and Putin to put aside the differences that dog them, and focus on destroying the Islamic State. By LESLIE H. GELB, ROBERT GARD, JOHN H. JOHNS Read the full article at Foreign Policy. Terrorist attacks in France, Lebanon, Mali, and in the skies over Egypt, highlight […]
Organizations Support Funding the IAEA to Monitor Iran Nuclear Agreement
Nuclear Watchdog Organization needs Funding to Effectively Monitor Iran (PDF Version) Dear Members of Congress, We write to you regarding the crucial need to fully fund the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the watchdog organization responsible for overseeing the implementation of the nuclear agreement between the United States, its negotiating partners, and Iran. The IAEA […]
Letter to Congress on Importance of Funding the IAEA
Withholding Funding from the IAEA is Ill-Advised and Dangerous (PDF Version) Dear Members of Congress, As individuals who have dedicated our professional lives to national security and nuclear nonproliferation, we strongly urge that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) receive full funding to monitor Iran’s compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The United […]
Nuke Plans for a New Nuclear Cruise Missile
Center board member Lt. Gen. Robert Gard and Sarah Tully argue that the President should scrap plans for a new nuclear cruise missile.
The Pentagon’s Loopholes: Big Enough to Fly a Bomber Through
The Pentagon’s budget gimmicks are set to continue as the Air Force finalizes massive contract for the Long-Range Strike Bomber, writes Sarah Tully in this op-ed for The National Interest.