Report: Feds Sharing Less Info on Hotspot WMDs With Congress Rachel Oswald April 22, 2014 The U.S. government lately is sharing less information with Congress about weapons-of-mass-destruction proliferation concerns, a new Capitol Hill study finds. “The number of unclassified reports to Congress on WMD-related issues has decreased considerably in recent years,” concludes an April 16 […] Story on Cruise Missile Capacity Quotes Philip Coyle
New U.S. Cruise Missile Risks Dangerous Arms Race By Michael Peck April 22, 2013 The Pentagon wants a cheap cruise missile that can strike anywhere in the world without risking American soldiers or aircraft. It’s a great idea. As long as it doesn’t inadvertently start a destabilizing arms race. The Pentagon’s proposal calls for a […]
100 Experts Write to President Obama over Severe Non-Proliferation Spending Cuts
In reference to the cuts, former Senator Dorgan said: “Terrorist groups are working overtime to acquire nuclear weapons with which to terrorize the world. Our country needs to show leadership in preventing terrorists from acquiring nuclear weapons. Cutting federal spending now on the nuclear non-proliferation programs would be a very dangerous mistake.”
Afghan Elections Should Herald Return of American Troops After a Decade of War
“Regardless of the status U.S. force would have in Afghanistan, the United States has done what it can in Afghanistan. After thousands of lives and billions of dollars, it’s time to end a decade of war and bring our troops home,” said Isaacs.
Global Security Newswire Story on Nuclear Security Cooperations with Russia Quotes Kingston Reif
U.S. Nuclear Agency Reviewing All Russia Projects, Given Ukraine Crisis Rachel Oswald April 1, 2014 The U.S. Energy Department’s nuclear-security arm is reviewing its assistance to Russia amid continuing tensions with Moscow over Ukraine. The National Nuclear Security Administration assessment is part of an Energy-wide “ongoing internal review of Russian-related activities,” department spokesman Bill Gibbons […]