Foot-draggers: U.S. and Russia slow to destroy own chemical weapons amid Syria smackdown By Guy Taylor September 22, 2013 As the Obama administration presses the United Nations this week to rid Syria of its chemical weapons, it faces the stark reality that the United States has failed to meet a 2012 deadline to destroy its […]
WWDB’s Tone & Tenor Radio Show Talks Chemical Weapons with Philip Coyle
Tone and Tenor show looked at the tense United States standoff with Syria in an effort to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons. Show guests are Phil Coyle, Senior Science Fellow for the Center for Arms Control & Non-Proliferation and Alexis Moore, Associate Director, Communications for the American Friends Service Committee. September 20, 2013
The Brian Lehrer Show Discusses Historic WMD “Red Lines” with John Isaacs
A History of Weapons “Red Lines”
The Diplomat Publishes OpEd on North Korean Relations by Duyeon Kim
North Korea: To Talk or To Provoke? By Duyeon Kim September 15, 2013 At the end of August the U.S. and South Korea conducted their joint military exercise Ulchi Freedom Guardian (August 19-30), a drill Pyongyang views as a rehearsal for war. North Korea was notably restrained during the entire episode. Before the drills began, […]
CCTV Discusses U.S.-Russian Relations and Syria with Phil Coyle
Senior Science Fellow, Phil Coyle joins CCTV to discuss U.S.-Russian relations as they relate to Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile.