“I’ve been working on this issue for more than three decades and I’ve seen a continuous progression within the mainstream of both parties moving toward a safer world with fewer nuclear weapons,” said John Isaacs, executive director of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation and Council for a Livable World.
North Korean Nuclear Test Raises Stakes in the Region
An artificial magnitude 5.1 earthquake was detected that the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) said displayed “clear explosion-like characteristics.” It will take time to ascertain important elements of the test including the yield (or size) of the explosion and the nuclear material with which it was constructed.
Lobe Log Publishes Article by Laicie Heeley and Usha Sahay
Published in the Lobe Log Article summary below, click here to read full article. By Laicie Heeley and Usha Sahay After months of deliberation, Iranian negotiators and representatives of the 6-world power P5+1 negotiating team have agreed to meet on February 26 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Hopeful watchers may read some symbolism into the location: Kazakhstan […]
Laicie Heeley Appears on Middle East Monitor Discussing Upcoming Iranian Talks
Senior policy analyst, Laicie Heeley, was featured on Middle East Monitor, a production of Middle East Voices To hear the whole podcast visit here. Her segment begins at 3:50.
Jim Lewis Appears on The Big Picture Discussing the Need to Reshape Pentagon Spending
Communications director, Jim Lewis, appeared on The Big Picture, discussing the need to reshape Pentagon spending To watch the whole show, click here. Jim’s segment begins at 7:07.