Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with the Washington Post about North Korea. Alexandra Bell, senior policy director at the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation and an Obama-era State Department arms-control expert, said building a team to reach a deal with North Korea should be a priority for the Trump administration. “The president has […]
Trump cautiously welcomes North Korea offer to consider nuclear talks with US
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was quoted in Stars and Stripes regarding North Korea’s statement it would talk to the U.S. about denuclearization. Alexandra Bell of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, said there’s a precedent for canceling the exercises or reducing the scale of the drills. “Based on previous North Korean statements […]
Will the US Be Able to Stop Russia’s New Arsenal of Missile Defense-Piercing Nukes?
Senior Science Fellow Philip Coyle spoke with LiveScience about Russia’s latest nuclear missile boasting. “It was not surprising,” said Philip Coyle, a nuclear weapons expert who worked for the Carter, Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations in various capacities related to nuclear policy and is now Senior Science Fellow at the Center for Arms Control […]
DOD now treating missile defense flight test plans — once public — as classified
Senior Science Fellow Philip Coyle was quoted in Inside Defense. Philip Coyle, senior fellow with the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation and the Pentagon’s top weapons tester from 1994 to 2001, called the claim that DOD needs to safeguard information about planned ballistic missile defense tests “ridiculous,” noting the MDA test schedule was […]
What ever happened to the argument for nuclear disarmament?
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell was quoted in Mic about public attitude toward nuclear weapons and nuclear war. For decades, “in fits and starts,” U.S. administrations sought to move away from nuclear weapons. The nuclear policy community kept hammering away to drastically reduce global stockpiles. But, according to Bell, the issue gradually drifted from the attention of the […]