America Cannot Afford an Endless War in Afghanistan By Jim McGovern and John Isaacs Read this post on the Huffington Post. It’s time to face the fact that the U.S. mission in Afghanistan has changed significantly since 2001 when Congress passed the authorization for the use of military force there. We simply cannot continue on […]
3 Minutes to Midnight: Sharon Squassoni & the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
Watch Board Member Sharon Squassoni discuss how we can move the clock back on this panel of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.
The Hill: North Korea’s Nuclear Test
Lt. Gen. Gard, Phil Coyle, and Greg Terryn penned this op-ed in The Hill on North Korea’s most recent nuclear test.
Board Secretary Phil Coyle quoted in New York Times on North Korea
Comparisons Don’t Support North Korea’s Claims of a Hydrogen Bomb, Experts Say By William J. Broad Read this post in the New York Times Many nuclear experts, including Dr. Kim, Dr. Ford and Mr. Albright, suggested that the North Korean test might have involved putting a tiny amount of tritium, or heavy hydrogen, into the […]
Foreign Policy: Bring Back the Russo-American Axis to Defeat the Islamic State
Bringing Back the Russo-American Axis It’s high time for Obama and Putin to put aside the differences that dog them, and focus on destroying the Islamic State. By LESLIE H. GELB, ROBERT GARD, JOHN H. JOHNS Read the full article at Foreign Policy. Terrorist attacks in France, Lebanon, Mali, and in the skies over Egypt, highlight […]