Only Diplomacy, Not Force, Will Prevent Nuclear-Armed Iran By Laicie Heeley November 7, 2013 America’s core interests in the Middle East will pivot around Geneva this week as five world powers and Iran resume negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear program. The United States should remain committed to a reasonable, verifiable and enforceable deal, as all other […]
AFP Wire Story on Nuclear Modernization Spending Quotes Kingston Reif
US to spend billions ‘modernizing’ nuclear arsenal/a> November 6, 2013 By Mathieu Rabechault Washington — The United States plans to spend billions to upgrade a decades-old atomic bomb designed to stop a Soviet invasion of Europe, as part of a controversial project to modernize its nuclear arsenal. Some lawmakers and experts dismiss the effort as […]
National Interest OpEd on Diplomacy with Iran by Usha Sahay
Time for a Deal with Iran By Usha Sahay November 4, 2013 Frequently, when statesmen or governments make the blunders that their predecessors also made, it’s pointed out gloomily that history repeats itself. But earlier this month in Geneva, the world saw a welcome example of nations attempting to learn from history. Nuclear negotiations between […]
Roll Call OpEd: U.S. Would Benefit From Fixing the Problems With Missile Defense
U.S. Would Benefit From Fixing the Problems With Missile Defense By Lt. General Robert Gard and Philip Coyle In his recent commentary, David Trachtenberg called for more diversity in America’s missile defense systems and claimed that the current U.S. missile defense program “is but a shadow of the robust program needed to protect the nation.” […]
Defense Daily Story on B61 Hearing Cites Kingston Reif ($)
B61 Nuclear Bomb Superior To B83 For Future Investment, Kehler Says October 30, 2013 By Pat Host While the B83 nuclear gravity bomb could accomplish the same tasks as the B61, the B61 is the better investment for future United States nuclear deterrence, the head of the Defense Department’s strategic forces said yesterday. U.S. Strategic […]