Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell wrote an op-ed in War on the Rocks explaining the significance of the Nov. 14 Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on presidential first use authority. “Congressional hearings happen all the time. If you inadvertently stumble across a C-SPAN channel, you will find any number of relatively unexciting discussions of […]
How Will Trump Change Nuclear Weapons Policy?
Szilard Advisory Board member Jon Wolfsthal wrote a column in Arms Control Today detailing key questions about the forthcoming nuclear posture review and questioning how President Trump will change nuclear weapons policy. “President Donald Trump has made a number of sometimes contradictory comments related to nuclear weapons during his political campaign and since his election. He […]
Our Missile Defenses Go To 11
Szilard Advisory Board member Jon Wolfsthal wrote a column in Foreign Policy explaining the issues with current missile defense systems. I usually write longer, detailed essays for this column but today’s submission is simpler. And it has a simple message. Missile defense will not protect the United States from North Korean missiles. I know a […]
The dangerous game of North Korean-American brinkmanship
Policy Analyst James McKeon was quoted in Angelus News discussing the need for the U.S. to have preliminary discussions with North Korea. Policy analyst for the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, James McKeon, told me that the U.S. and North Korea need to have “talks about talks,” that is, conversations with no preconditions, in […]
North Korea’s Plenty Scary Without an Overhyped EMP Threat
Senior Science Fellow Phil Coyle was quoted in Wired explaining why he believes the threat of EMP is overhyped. “The fact that North Korea has tested a larger yield nuclear weapon than before is of concern because of the yield of the nuclear weapon, not because of EMP,” says Philip Coyle, a senior science fellow […]