Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell co-authored an op-ed in Responsible Statecraft about the U.S. withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty. In a now painfully familiar exercise, the Trump administration said this past week that it would leave yet another international agreement. This time it is the Open Skies Treaty, which the United States, Russia, and 32 other […]
Withdrawing From Open Skies Puts the US at Odds With the World
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with The Nation about the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty. Alexandra Bell, a former State Department official with the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, told me that in her view “this is just another in a series of actions that prove the administration […]
‘NOTHING SHORT OF APPALLING’: Statement from John Tierney in Response to Considered Return to Nuclear Testing
(MAY 22 – WASHINGTON) In response to reports that the Trump administration was considering conducting a nuclear test as a way to get China to the nuclear arms control negotiating table, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Executive Director and former nine-term Congressman John Tierney (D-MA) released the following statement: “Reports that the Trump administration has discussed conducting an explosive […]
Russia Uses Open Skies Treaty to Identify Bombing Targets, U.S. Tells NATO
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke to Newsweek about the U.S. withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty. Alexandra Bell, a senior advisor to the undersecretary for arms control and international security during the Obama administration, noted an overlooked benefit of the treaty: That the jointly managed overflights would provide the United States some insight into […]
Trump Delays New START Treaty Decision, Calls for New Talks with Russia, China
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell spoke with U.S. News and World Report about a potential decision on whether to extend the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) with Russia. The Trump administration has faced sharp criticism for its position on the New START treaty, particularly in insisting the agreement must include China, even though […]