Read the full op-ed in The National Interest here. A new bill proposes that the United States would no longer be bound by the INF Treaty if Russia remains in violation. Congress, through a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), risks endangering American national security by threatening the integrity of the Intermediate Nuclear […]
Senior Policy Director Alexandra Bell Quoted in POLITICO
Read the full piece here. “These missiles are highly destabilizing, they’re capable of reaching Moscow within 15 minutes,” Alexandra Bell, a former State Department official who is senior policy director for the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, said. “Withdrawing from the INF Treaty would be a terrible mistake.” Instead, the U.S. should first pursue […]
Center Science Fellow Philip Coyle Quoted in Foxtrot Alpha
Read the full piece here. What Is A Maneuverable Hypersonic Weapon? Let’s get the language down first. You’ll see a lot of publications describe hypersonic missiles without qualifying it with the term “maneuverable” or “guided.” But that’s actually what makes them such a game changer, Dr. Phillip Coyle, the Senior Science Fellow is Senior Science […]
National Advisory Board Member Sen. Byron Dorgan’s op-ed in Defense One
Read the full op-ed here. Our two countries still work together on a few things. Securing dangerous nuclear materials should be one of them. Thanks to disputes over Ukraine, Syria, and elsewhere, the United States and Russia — the two countries that hold the vast majority of worldwide fissile material — have ceased nearly all cooperation that […]
Senior Science Fellow Philip Coyle quoted in Science Magazine
Read the full piece here. Although the analysis cites few government sources, it is solid, says Philip E. Coyle III, a former Pentagon weapons test director now at the Center for Arms Control and Non-proliferation in Washington, D.C. Read the full piece here.