Watch Board Member Sharon Squassoni discuss how we can move the clock back on this panel of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.
Foreign Policy: Bring Back the Russo-American Axis to Defeat the Islamic State
Bringing Back the Russo-American Axis It’s high time for Obama and Putin to put aside the differences that dog them, and focus on destroying the Islamic State. By LESLIE H. GELB, ROBERT GARD, JOHN H. JOHNS Read the full article at Foreign Policy. Terrorist attacks in France, Lebanon, Mali, and in the skies over Egypt, highlight […]
John Isaacs Quoted on Anti-Russian Missile Defense in Europe
US Anti-Russian Missile Deployment in Europe Would Be Costly Read the full article at Sputnik International Experts claim that US missile deployment in Europe to counter alleged Russian violations of would be a costly and time-prohibitive endeavour that not all NATO allies would welcome. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — US missile deployment in Europe to counter alleged […]
Defense One Publishes Analysis on Sending Nuclear Weapons to Ukraine by Board Chair Lt. Gen. Robert Gard and Scoville Fellow Greg Terryn
The Wrong Move: Adding Nuclear Weapons to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict By Lt. General Robert Gard and Greg Terryn You may have missed it, but last month two key members of Congress asked the military to move additional U.S. nuclear weapons and dual-capable aircraft into Eastern Europe. Reps. Mike Rogers, R-Ala., chairman of the House Armed […]
Nuclear Weapons Myths Published in National Interest
5 Myths about America’s Nuclear Weapons Debunked By Phillip Coyle, Robert Gard, John Isaacs, & Greg Terryn The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists announced last week that it has decided to move its famed “Doomsday Clock” three minutes closer to midnight or, in effect, closer to the “end of humanity.” While this year, the Bulletin focused […]