Do you know the stances of the candidates when it comes to national security? Here is a breakdown of what you need to know, including candidates’ remarks from the first GOP debate that occurred on August 6th.
America’s Nuclear Weapons are Affordable, But at What Cost?
A forthcoming study by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) serves as a reminder that the US must evaluate the worthiness of investing billions of dollars into its nuclear arsenal. The study addresses affordability and concludes that “U.S. nuclear forces are affordable because their projected costs account for a small percentage of the overall defense budget.”
Letter to Conferees on the FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Act
Our letter to the conferees on the FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Act recommending provisions for a more principled approach to national security and foreign policy.
Fact Sheet: Iran and the Additional Protocol
Under the final agreement between the P5+1 and Iran, Iran will implement an Additional Protocol agreement, and will continue in perpetuity unless Iran withdraws from the NPT.
A Side-by-Side Comparison of House and Senate Defense Authorization Bills
Department of Defense – Military, Base Budget (051) House Senate $496.1 billion $496.5 billion Atomic Energy Defense Activities (053) House Senate $18.9 billion $18.7 billion Overseas Contingency Operations House Senate $89.2 billion $88.9 billion TOTAL: National Defense (Budget Function 050) House Senate $604.2 billion $604.1 billion Sea-Based Deterrence Fund House […]