The Obama administration has requested $12.6 billion for the National Nuclear Security Agency (NNSA) as part of its Fiscal Year 2016 Department of Energy budget request. $1.9 billion of that request will go towards Defense Nuclear Non-Proliferation (DNN) programs tasked with preventing the spread of nuclear weapons and materials. The programs facilitate cooperation with international partners to better secure, monitor, and dispose of vulnerable nuclear material (military and civilian) and other radiological waste.
Factsheet: FY 2016 Defense Nuclear Non-Proliferation Budget Request
By Greg Terryn and Sarah Tully Since 2004, the NNSA’s nuclear non-proliferation programs have facilitated the removal of all weapons-grade highly enriched uranium (HEU) from 17 countries—165 bombs worth of nuclear material. Nevertheless, “nearly 2,000 metric tons of weapons-usable nuclear materials remain spread across hundreds of sites around the globe,” according to the Nuclear Threat […]
Briefing Congress on a Bloated Budget
Some Highlights and Lowlights of Ashton Carter’s Easy Confirmation Hearing
Defense Budget Briefing Book and Reaction to President Obama’s FY16 Request
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Amanda Waldron 202.264.9400 Laicie Heeley 202.586.1851 Yesterday, President Obama submitted to Congress his Fiscal Year 2016 Defense Budget Request, which includes a $534 billon base budget—the largest in nominal terms in the history of the Pentagon, ripping past sequestration caps. The president’s spending plan includes an additional $50.9 billion for […]