Last week, the president unveiled the largest defense base budget request in the history of the Pentagon, blowing right past the sequestration caps. This can only mean one thing: tough choices lie ahead for Congress.
Some Highlights and Lowlights of Ashton Carter’s Easy Confirmation Hearing
President’s Defense Budget Grows—But Something’s Gotta Give
On February 2nd, President Obama released his Fiscal Year 2016 (FY16) Defense budget request to the tune of a $534.3 billion base Pentagon budget plus an additional $50.9 billion for the Overseas Contingency Operations account (OCO).
Defense Budget Briefing Book and Reaction to President Obama’s FY16 Request
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Amanda Waldron 202.264.9400 Laicie Heeley 202.586.1851 Yesterday, President Obama submitted to Congress his Fiscal Year 2016 Defense Budget Request, which includes a $534 billon base budget—the largest in nominal terms in the history of the Pentagon, ripping past sequestration caps. The president’s spending plan includes an additional $50.9 billion for […]
Ash Carter to Defend President’s Budget Cap Busting FY16 Request
Defense Secretary nominee Ashton Carter’s confirmation hearing is set for the first week of February. Coinciding with Carter’s confirmation, on February 2, the president will send Congress his fiscal year 2016 budget request. One of Mr. Carter’s first tasks as Chuck Hagel’s replacement will be to defend the President’s FY 2016 budget request – a document on which Mr. Carter has presumably had little influence.