Edward Levine, who provided trenchant analysis of the Menendez-Kirk bill last year, comments on the new letter on Iran being circulated by Senators Menendez and Graham. The underlying demand that Iran dismantle all its “illicit nuclear infrastructure” is simply not a feasible negotiations outcome. So, if the signatories really mean what that phrase says, then they […]
Analysis of Faults in the Menendez-Kirk Iran Sanctions Bill (S. 1881)
Media Coverage of the Analysis: New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Sydney Morning Herald, National Interest, Foreign Policy, Ha’aretz, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Voices of America, ArmsControlWonk.com & The Daily Dish. By Edward Levine, Former Professional Staff to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (1976-1997) and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (1997-2011) and a […]