By Greg Terryn and Sarah Tully Since 2004, the NNSA’s nuclear non-proliferation programs have facilitated the removal of all weapons-grade highly enriched uranium (HEU) from 17 countries—165 bombs worth of nuclear material. Nevertheless, “nearly 2,000 metric tons of weapons-usable nuclear materials remain spread across hundreds of sites around the globe,” according to the Nuclear Threat […]
Greg Terryn
Nuclear Weapons Myths Published in National Interest
5 Myths about America’s Nuclear Weapons Debunked By Phillip Coyle, Robert Gard, John Isaacs, & Greg Terryn The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists announced last week that it has decided to move its famed “Doomsday Clock” three minutes closer to midnight or, in effect, closer to the “end of humanity.” While this year, the Bulletin focused […]
National Interest Publishes Article on Minimal-Deterrence by Lt. Gen Robert Gard and Greg Terryn
By Lt. Gen Robert Gard and Greg Terryn Critics of minimal deterrence, such as Keith Payne in a recent article in the Washington Times, accuse advocates of reducing the U.S. nuclear stockpile of viewing the world through rose-colored glasses, irresponsibly following ideological perceptions at the expense of American security. These charges represent true irony; few […]