Happy New Year! Yours truly spent the holiday season playing golf (poorly), relaxing, and gearing up for the NFL playoffs (Go Packers!). Naturally the time off was all the more merrier given the Senate’s approval of New START. In the after…
Analysis of the “New START” Treaty
by John Isaacs and Kingston Reif On March 26, President Obama announced that after nearly a year of tough negotiations, the U.S. and Russia have reached agreement on the Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures to Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (the “New START Treaty”). Presidents […]
Keep Your Rosaries Off My Deterrence
by Kingston Reif Published in DoD Buzz on March 16, 2010 Article summary below. In their recent commentary on DoD Buzz (“Will START Talks Go MAD,”), the Heritage Foundation’s Baker Spring and Helle Dale recycle a snake oil sales pitch that first emerged at the dawn of the Atomic Age. The illusion is that the […]
Playing Chess With Russia: An Update on the New START Agreement
by Kingston Reif Interview published on Daily Kos on November 22, 2009 Negotiators have been working tirelessly and continuously behind the scenes to meet the treaty deadline. Obama and Medvedev met in Singapore during Obama’s recent trip to Asia. Though the leaders downplayed any problems with the negotiations on “New START”, it has become clear […]
A Shift in Focus: Changes in the Missile Defense Program
by Kingston Reif Published by Foreign Policy in Focus on October 26, 2009 On September 17th, President Barack Obama announced changes in the American missile defense program seeking a more proven and cost-effective system than that introduced by the Bush administration. Such changes are part of Obama’s new comprehensive foreign policy based on an assessment […]