by Kingston Reif Published in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Online on May 10, 2012 Article summary below; read the full text online. One of the perks of being a Republican president in the United States is the freedom to make drastic changes to US nuclear posture while Democratic presidents are forced to travel a […]
House Armed Services Committee Gone Wild — Again
By Kingston Reif On May 9 the House Armed Services Committee approved the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 4310) by a vote of 56-5. The bill provides $554 billion for national defense (function 050). This is an increase of approximately $4 billion above the President’s request and $8 billion above the Budget Control […]
New START: One year later
by Kingston Reif Published in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Online on February 2, 2012 Article summary below; read the full text online February 5 marks the one-year anniversary of the New Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty’s (New START) entry into force. Signed by the United States and Russia in April 2010, New START caps each […]
What is to be done? – The Russian Reset and Missile Defense Cooperation
By Kingston Reif and Ulrika Grufman Shortly after President Obama assumed office in 2009, his Administration announced a reset in relations with Russia, which had soured during the George W. Bush administration. The reset was an attempt to re-engage with Russia and to seek out opportunities for cooperation on a number of issues ranging from […]
Energy and Water Conference Agreement Protects Nuclear Material Security Programs, Begins to Reduce Bloated Nuclear Weapons Budget
by Kingston Reif Last night the House and Senate filed the Conference report on an Omnibus appropriations bill that includes the remaining nine Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 appropriations bills that have yet to be enacted. House and Senate leaders are hoping for swift passage of the bill in order to avert a government shutdown, as […]