by Kingston Reif Published in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Online on February 2, 2012 Article summary below; read the full text online February 5 marks the one-year anniversary of the New Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty’s (New START) entry into force. Signed by the United States and Russia in April 2010, New START caps each […]
New START and Verification
Overview New START contains an updated, streamlined, and more cost-effective system of verification procedures that are tailored to the treaty’s limits, reflect the realities of the current U.S. and Russian arsenals, and, most importantly, will allow the U.S. to effectively verify Russia’s compliance with the treaty. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike […]
Breaking Down the First New START Data Exchange
by Kingston Reif The ink is barely dry on the New START treaty, and Russia has nearly met the 2018 deadline for reductions. On June 1 the State Department released a fact sheet detailing the aggregate numbers for the strategic nuclear weapons limited by the treaty. New START limits the U.S. and Russia to no […]
New START’s Nuclear Compromise
The residents of Nevada County California woke up yesterday morning to an op-ed on New START’s recent entry into force by yours truly. I’m sure it changed their lives. Here’s an excerpt:In a political climate paralyzed by partisanship on ot…
Quote of the Day: Lugar edition
I’ve been working systematically for 20 years going to Russia trying to help direct a situation in which we’re taking warheads off of missiles every day, destroying missiles that were aimed at us; destroying submarines that carried misslies up and down…