On March 28, 2012 Duyeon Kim, Deputy Director of Nuclear Non-Proliferation at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, was quoted in China’s CDNews about the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. Click here for the story or see below: 國際/核安峰會乏進展 專家認需願景 http://www.cdnews.com.tw 2012-03-28 10:00:56 法新社首爾27日電:專家指出,全球領袖在南韓首爾核子安全高峰會中獲致些許進展;然而,還需要有更多的願景與承諾。 美國總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)2010年主持華府首屆核安高峰會,將2014年之前安全貯存或銷毀世界各地現有的鈽與高度濃縮鈾,列為會議主要目標。 這個目標至今雖已獲致一些可觀進展。然而本屆峰會今天閉幕時所發表的最後聲明,內容卻顯得不痛不癢。專家認為,這意味著全球核安前途依然充滿變數。 「核裂變材料工作小組」(Fissile Materials Working Group)共同主席盧翁戈(Ken Luongo)指出:「這次高峰會,我們真正需要的是多一些願景,也就是究竟要如何從當前處境再向前邁開步伐。」這個小組由防止核擴散專家組成。 盧翁戈指出,世界各國對核子安全的承諾程度極不一致,導致峰會中提出的執行藍圖一直窒礙難行。他說:「眼前的挑戰是,針對必須如何做才能防範核子恐怖主義,擘畫出遠大的目標。」 下屆全球核安高峰會預定2014年在荷蘭召開。 武器管制暨禁止擴散中心(Center for […]
Korea Herald Quotes Duyeon Kim
On March 27, 2012 Duyeon Kim, Deputy Director of Nuclear Non-Proliferation at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, was quoted in the Korea Herald about the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. Click here for the full story or see below: Seoul Communique considers new dimensions of nuclear security Some progress has been made in […]
Yonhap News quotes Duyeon Kim
On March 27, 2012 Duyeon Kim, Deputy Director of Nuclear Non-Proliferation at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, was quoted in Yonhap News about the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. Click here for the story or see below: 2012/03/27 18:30 KST (Nuclear summit) (News Focus) Modest outcomes for Seoul summit, bolder steps needed: analysts […]
Le Monde Quotes Duyeon Kim on Nuclear Security Summit
On March 27, 2012 Duyeon Kim, Deputy Director of Nuclear Non-Proliferation at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, was quoted in Le Monde about the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. Click here for the story or see below: Duyeon Kim, Deputy Director of Nuclear Non-Proliferation, speaks to Le Monde about the 2012 Seoul Nuclear […]
Fukushima and the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit
I wrote an op-ed for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on March 18th on the implications of the Fukushima nuclear disaster for the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit. It can be found here.
There are two op-eds worth reading written by the Center’s Board members:
Frank von Hippel at Princeton University wrote in the New York Times on March 23rd on the need to learn from the Fukushima disaster and reduce dangers around the world. He writes, “We therefore must make existing reactors safer, develop a new generation of safer designs and prevent nuclear power from facilitating nuclear proliferation. As tragic as the Fukushima disaster has been, it has provided a rare opportunity to advance those goals.”
Matthew Bunn at Harvard University wrote in the Washington Post on March 23rd on ways to reduce a Fukushima-like disaster elsewhere. He writes, “Ultimately, regular independent, international reviews should be the norm in nuclear operations worldwide. All countries must demonstrate that they are doing everything practicable to prevent the next Fukushima — or something far worse.”